Butter block

How to soften butter quickly

Don’t have time to wait for butter to soften at room temperature? Here are some tricks to get it soft in minutes.

If you forgot to take your butter out before getting ready to bake or you ran out of buttercream and don’t have to soften butter ready for the second batch. Let’s admit, we’ve all been there. Do not worry. These tips and tricks will guide you on how to soften butter quickly and save you loads of time.

Most baking recipes need ingredients that are at room temperature. However, most baking ingredients are also dairy products and do require refrigeration. Butter is the most used bakery ingredient for a variety of recipes. But the nature of its state can have an impact on the final product. If the butter is hard it will not cream well while creaming. Or, if the butter is melted in a liquid state and used for making cookies, your dough will fall apart.

A room temperature butter is ideal to emulsify with other ingredients. This creates a uniform texture in cakes and pastries. If the butter isn’t emulsified well, you’ll likely to get ended up with dense, crumbly thick, and hard cakes and pastries.

How long do I need to leave the butter out?

soften butter cubes

There is no specific answer to this question. If you live in geographically colder regions it may take a lot more time and yet not be soft enough.Ideally, an hour is well enough to get the butter temperature down as much as possible. If you have a block that’s more than 1 kg you’ll probably need to leave it for more than a couple of hours.

How to check if my butter is at room temperature?

A simple finger poke test is more than sufficient. Gently press the butter block that’s been left out on the kitchen counter for over an hour. The dent made by your finger should not be slippery nor it should feel hard to press.It should feel relatively soft.

Tips : How to soften butter quickly?

The best way to soften the butter is to leave it over the kitchen table for over an hour. However, in case (for any reason) you forget to do so there are thousands of tricks you can technically apply to soften butter.
Here are some quick, efficient, and practical applications to soften the butter.

  • Oven tops: Most recipes call to preheat your oven at the very beginning. You can take advantage of this and leave your butter on the oven top while you go ahead and gather other ingredients.
  • Hot water: Boil water on a saucepan, once the water comes to a boil, turn off the heat. Place a bowl on top of the saucepan and add butter to soften. Do not soften the butter with heat on. Too much heat can melt the butter into liquid.
  • Microwave: This can be tricky as microwave emits direct heat that can melt butter completely and even might burn it. Use this trick when you have an ice-cold butter block. Place the butter in a microwave-safe bowl. Heat the butter on medium settings for 30 seconds. Take it out and whisk the melted butter with still cold butter. Put it back in for 30 more seconds. Repeat the step. The outer butter layer will melt faster so make sure you mix that liquid butter with still cold butter. Now you’re left with soft butter along with a piece that’s still cold. At this point just leave it as it is on the kitchen counter. The ambient temperature shall take care of the further process while you are gathering other ingredients.


Here are a few tricks that you can use to soften butter quickly.

  • If you have an ice-cold hard butter block, grate it on a flat plate and just leave it untouched for a few minutes. Your butter threads will soften in no time. Do not heat the butter after grating as it’ll directly turn to liquid.
  • Cut them into small pieces and blocks. Chop your butter into small pieces as small as possible. Leave it unattended at room temperature for some time.
  • Shave your butter block as thin as possible. Leave the shavings on a plate for a while. The ambient room heat will bring down the core temperature in no time.

Spread your butter blocks or shavings on as a large plate as possible. The more surface area it gets the more it’s likely to soften faster. Hope these tips and tricks save you time and effort. Also do keep a mental note to always keep all ingredients out at room temperature if the recipe says so. Do go through the recipe in advance before you start with baking.

Now go and make those Chocolate Chip Cookies.

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Photo by Sorin Gheorghita on Unsplash soften butter how to soften butter quickly

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1 year ago

Amazing tricks, so helpful and easy

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